Styled HomeThe real estate market gets quieter over the summertime, yet there is a lot you can start  if you plan to sell your home later on! So, if you are determined to sell your property, there’s no need to wait for the hectic autumn season to get started. Make the most out of this time; the present is always the best time to start preparing your home!

  1. Think of the moment

Although it is usually quiet over Christmas, lots of people are still willing to move at the beginning of the new year. Typically, there are plenty of overseas and interstate buyers seeking to move in before the new school year begins.

  1. Start preparing the outside of your home

Summertime is the ideal time to move plants away from hotter spots, add new plants, repair pavement, fences, outdoor lighting and repaint fences and decks for a fresher and more vivid look. A simple paint coat can make a huge difference!

  1. Remove unnecessary stuff

Begin removing all of the useless items accumulated in your yard, and also, declutter the inside. Classify the items with simple colour stickers. Choose a different colour for each category of items. Use one colour for the items  you want to keep, another colour for the items you will donate, another for the items you want to sell or the ones that must go directly to the trash can, and so on. This will ease your work.

  1. Take on a minimalist mindset

Put away personal items, such as photos or trinkets, so when potential buyers visit your house, they will find it easier to imagine themselves living in the house. Keep each room clean and clear of clutter.

  1. Let a professional guide you

Hire a stylist who can help you rearrange furniture and other items. He or she can also help you add some finishing touches to make each room pop. When a home is styled, it makes it easier for people to picture themselves residing in that place. Many property stylists offer free assessments, so if hiring an expert is something you are considering, it is a great way to investigate if this is the right course for you and your property.

Don’t waste time, the present is always the best moment to begin. If you are determined to sell your property, there is a lot you can do, even during summertime.

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